My Name is Kevin Tousey and I'm a Software Developer...

Here's a list of my technical skills:

C# • .NET Core • Active Server Pages / • JavaScript • Flexbox • MVC • HTML • CSS • Grid • Test Driven Development (TDD) • Agile (Scrum) • Object Oriented Programming (OOP) • JSON • Restful APIs • Responsive Design • Relational Databases / MS SQL • Source Control / GitHub • Visual Studio IDE

Kevin's professional picture

About Me

I am a Software developer with a degree in engineering and experience in mechanical drafting and design. I currently work part time in assembly and have finished my software development bootcamp. I am experienced at working on technical projects and I love a challenge. I'm looking to work as a software developer building applications and websites.


Phone: 216 926-2120

My Repositories

While attending my C# full stack bootcamp, I created the following Github repositories for the projects that we worked on (select an image to view the repository).

Virtual Pet

This is a C# console application written to simulate having your own computerized pet in a shelter right up to adoption. The code is object oriented and built with class objects.

Task List

This is a C# application that uses object oriented programming to simulate a task list style interface for tracking maintenance projects. Code uses C# generics and property validation.

Movie Review App

This is a C# .NET MVC application created to provide a place for people to rate old horror movies in honor of Halloween.

Blog Platform App

This is a C# .NET MVC application created to simulate an online blog where users go in and post about any subject they like, or to read posts from other bloggers.

Donut Maker App

This is a Javascript application used to gamify a donut making shop where you purchase machines to automatically make thousands of donuts. Shows advanced javascript functionality.

Album Collection App

This is an app designed to organize a hipster record album collection using a C# .NET back-end with a NodeJS front end interface.

Pet Health Tracker App

This is an app designed to help the user organize and retrieve pet health information for multiple pets using a C# .NET back-end with a NodeJS front end interface.

Check out some of the web development projects in my

Front End Portfolio

business card

Social Media

“For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.”

― Neil deGrasse Tyson